Collector who conducted surprise inspection of Indalwai PHC


– Memos to doctors and staff who are absentfrom duty

Nizamabad, September 20 (Gatla News):District Collector Rajiv Gandhi Hanumanthu inspected the Indalwai Primary Health Center on Friday. He visited various departments and examined the performance. Observed the procedure of conducting blood tests in the lab and asked the technician for details. He visited the OP and in-patient wards and inquired about the medical services provided to the patients. The Collector, who checked the attendance register, found many errors and expressed his impatience. DMHO Dr. Rajashree, who was accompanied by him, was directed to issue memos to the staff who were absent from duty without giving prior permission and information.The collector noticed that the refrigerators used to keep the medicines in the refrigerator were not used and thrown in the corner, and the PHC officials were deposed by the collector. DMHO was directed to repair the fridges immediately and bring them into use if the fridges are damaged and take steps to ensure that fridges are available in all the PHCs in the district.They want to continuously monitor the performance of PHCs and ensure that people get better medical services.Collector is accompanied by officials of the concerned department.


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